Sunday, March 1, 2009

Babies 1 week old

Well Natasha here !!

I Would like to introduce you to my new babies ~~~~ Enjoy!!!

Well here they all are together!!

They were born on Wed. (1-29-09).

There were 3 girls and 2 boys

Now moving on~~~~

This is Angel's closeup !!

She is so cute!!!

Hi, I was 4 oz when I was born.

Here our human is helping her (hehe)

This is my little sweet Chance

He was just 3 oz at birth.

Sorry he is so shy!!!

This is Duke he is my big boy.

He was 4 oz at birth.

He could care less!!!

This is Sonya!!

She was 4 oz at birth.

She is so pretty!!

Little Tinker Bell is so little and sweet.

She was 3 oz at birth.

She is so bored

Well that is all of them.

They are all just perfect!!!

Well see you later!!!!

1 comment:

kathy c said...

I love my new mom and dad, my first night I slept inmy crate all night long without crying. The next 2 nights were a little hard I was missing my brothers,sisters and mom and dad. On Sunday I helped mom plant new plants in the flower beds, she could not have done it without my help. Mom works from home and I stay in the office with her except when I go to my parents room to look in the mirror(at least 10 times a day) to see my brothers and sisters. My new pasrents are thinking about taking on a trip to NC to see my new sister graduate from college, we will fly on a plan. I am scared but hope I can do ok. Looking forward to meeting Breeze my new sister's dog and English Bulldog. I miss my old family and will never forget them. My mom and dad have changed my name to Haley in honor of my dad "Harley" and my new dad and mom ride a Harley. Love ya'll Haley