Saturday, June 5, 2010

Well here is my latest Creation ( Well Harley had a little to do with it lol)

I would like to say I love all of my babies equally and they have all found wonderfull forever homes!
We stay in touch and talk often!
I have had another litter of little ones!! They are so cute!!

I have four lovely little babies!!

I will introduce them now!!

I did not have a chance to get their little pictures, they grow so fast!!

So here we go they are 8 weeks old now!!

Little ones!!

Here they are what a hand full, lol!
They were all about 3 to 4 oz at birth.
They have come out of it though!!
I will let them speak now!!
See you later!!

Here we go!!

Hi I am Alvin, the big brother I am 3 lbs and 4 oz. I love to play and rough house with the little ones.
I will run and play with you forever before I get tired ( I bet you give up first, lol)
But I protect the little ones and watch over them.
Well here they are, See you later!!

Hi my name is Brittany. I am 2 lbs and full of love!! I love to play and get my brothers in trouble. I works wonders when my people think they are hurting me, (then I get lots more loving and they get in trouble lol)

Well I will let you get on to meeting the boys!!

Got to go see what I can get into, lol.

Hi my am Theodore. I am also just 2 lbs but I am the better kisser, lol.

I love to run and play also. But you have to watch out for me I love to get under your feet and try to get you down to my level so I can kiss you more, lol.

Well I will let you meet the rest of the crew now!!

See Ya!!

Hi I am Simon. Last but not least. I am 2lbs and 4oz. I am a fire ball of energy. Alvin might think he is all that but he can get verrrry bossy!!
I love to play and give kisses and I am the best at it!!
I may be last but I am the best!!!
See Ya Later!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hi, I am Harley, the dad. I am a Long Haired Chihuahua about 8.5 lbs and all male. LOL.
I sure make pretty babies. Even if I do say so myself. lol
Well Nattie is calling got to go!!

Yorchi's Rule !!!

Hi, I am Nattie (Natasha) and I am pleased to meet you. I am a Yor-chi. That is my dad was a Yor-chi, he was 1/2 and 1/2. My mom is a Long Haired Chihuahua.
So my babies are about 1/8 th Yor-chi.

This is Me with my babies in their day bed.

Here I am closer up.

Here is my very close up.

Now I have to go now I here my babies calling.

See Ya!!

Babies 1 week old

Well Natasha here !!

I Would like to introduce you to my new babies ~~~~ Enjoy!!!

Well here they all are together!!

They were born on Wed. (1-29-09).

There were 3 girls and 2 boys

Now moving on~~~~

This is Angel's closeup !!

She is so cute!!!

Hi, I was 4 oz when I was born.

Here our human is helping her (hehe)

This is my little sweet Chance

He was just 3 oz at birth.

Sorry he is so shy!!!

This is Duke he is my big boy.

He was 4 oz at birth.

He could care less!!!

This is Sonya!!

She was 4 oz at birth.

She is so pretty!!

Little Tinker Bell is so little and sweet.

She was 3 oz at birth.

She is so bored

Well that is all of them.

They are all just perfect!!!

Well see you later!!!!

4 Weeks Old

Hi Well here is the crew~~~~

All five pups in a row ~~~~~

A pack of trouble !!!!!!!!! HaHa

They are so CUTE!!!!!!!

This is Tinker Bell.

She is so sweet and my smallest!!!

Here is Chance he is a little rascal!!!

Here is Angel.

Here is Sonya!!!

And Last but not least Duke!!

Well thats all folks!!!!

See you soon!!!!